Large brine steam bath for 4 persons

Project location: Germany, near Cologne

Dimensions: 250x177cm
Technique: with brine inhalation, fragrance injection, starry sky, tepidarium design, steam generator 11,2kW

We had two different seat shapes merge into each other in this steam bath. Thus, each user has its ideal back shape.

As an additional seat was still chosen a small bench and a steam bath seat T65.

The complete steam bath was -as usual at SOLEUM- fully electrically heated and equipped with high quality steam bath technology.

The steam bath dome arches across the entire cabin and has been fitted with a central colored light fixture and an exclusive starry sky with Swarovski crystals. The glass wall stretches all the way up in front of the cabin, giving you even more impressive wide views into the cabin. This is filled with high-quality steam bath technology and healthy, finest salt mist.

Floor plan:

The total length of this steam bath project is 250cm.

But Soleum produces for you any desired size!


The following products were used here

1.490,00  inkl. MWSt.
580,00  inkl. MWSt.

Special shapes from EPS

Steam bath dome

240,00  inkl. MWSt. Price per m2
8,70  inkl. MWSt. in cm (minimum calculation is 70cm)
3,50  inkl. MWSt. in cm (minimum calculation is 100cm)
2.260,00 3.690,00  inkl. MWSt.
4,50  inkl. MWSt. in cm (minimum calculation 100cm)

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