Tepidarium with couches

A beautiful tepidarium with couches that run into each other. Here in this project our flat wellness couch was installed. Executed as a tepidarium and soleum. The size is about 200x200cm

A tepidarium is a relaxation room with heated loungers made of ceramic tiles or marble (or porcelain stoneware).

Tepidarium means “lukewarm”, the room temperature is between 30-38°C and rather dry. With a steam generator you can turn the tepidarium into a steam bath. With the SOLE CONNECTION additionally into an effective SOLEUM.

As the name suggests, the concept is of Roman origin like the Roman steam bath. The room temperature, which is a little higher than the body temperature, improves blood circulation in the body tissues. So if you heat as many wall areas and couches as possible then you will also achieve a higher temperature. Our new technology button allows the control of two separate heating circuits (lying and floor is set milder and the walls are controlled separately and can be operated at a higher temperature)


The following products were used here

1.490,00  inkl. MWSt.

Steam bath couches

EPS steam bath lounger FLAT

1,20  inkl. MWSt. minimum calculation is 70x200cm

Steam bath technology

Steam bath technique box

1.410,00  inkl. MWSt.
2.260,00 3.690,00  inkl. MWSt.
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